Solving Trigonometric Equations
Topic Review on "Title": |
Trigonometric equation:
An equation consisting of trigonometric functions.
Solutions of trigonometric equations:
The values of x where the trigonometric equations are defined within the domain of the trigonometric functions.
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"Title" Tutorial Summary : |
Solving trigonometric equations is discussed in this tutorial with help of examples and identities. Simplification principles are used to make the solution process much easier and manageable.
Different types of trigonometric equations are presented with the use of examples and visual aids. Solving trigonometric equations requires simplification techniques and use of algebra because both principles are related.
Tutorial Features: |
Specific Tutorial Features:
• Step by step solving of trigonometric equations.
• Examples of the type of trigonometric equations that are encountered in a typical course.
Series Features:
• Concept map showing inter-connections of new concepts in this tutorial and those previously introduced.
• Definition slides introduce terms as they are needed.
• Visual representation of concepts
• Animated examples—worked out step by step
• A concise summary is given at the conclusion of the tutorial.
"Title" Topic List: |
Definition of a trigonometric equation
Solving trigonometric equations
Type sin x=a
Type cos x=a
Type tan x= a
Type sin x=sin a
Type cos x= cos a
Type tan x =tan a
Type a cosx +b sin x=c
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