Get Certified The Rapid Learning Way
Seeking validation on your learning? Get certified!
Welcome to Rapid Learning Certification. In
addition to the rapid learning courses, you will
receive a certificate of completion upon a
successful completion of all 24 tutorials and drills in a course. You can track your performance via learning management system.
What is Rapid Learning Certification?
- Certification Upon Completion: Take the fast track to mastery and seal it with the certification of validation.
- Learning Tracking: You can track your own performance on each lesson and view reports and your gradebook at the end.

For Whom?
- Home schoolers: Adapt this kid's-loving-it rich media learning and no
more forcing your kids into lengthy textbook reading. Each lesson is
taught by master teachers, with visual and animation, one hour per
- Corporate employees: Learn the hard-core science and math courses
and show the proof of completion with our rapid learning certification.
- Individual learners: Whether you are a job seeker in need of renewed
skills to show your prospective employers or you simply need a
certification for whatever reasons, rapid learning certification will give the
verfication and validation of your knowledge acquired.
:: All You Need is a Computer with a Web Browser ::
How Does it Work?
- Study the course: Log onto to start the course one chapter at a time, by completing the visual tutorial, the drill and review sheet.
- Get certified: Upon passing 80% on each chapter quiz, you will receive a printable Rapid Learning Certification in your name.
:: Many Certified Courses are Open for Enrollment Now ::
Certified Courses
Our certified courses are available in Certitied Edition:
Narrated Visual Tutorial Series and MP3 Audio with DVD Shipped (Life-Time Usage), Plus 24x Printable Tutorials and Full Online Access - All on LMS at Rapid University.
- Chemistry - High School Chemistry, College Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry
- Physics - High School Physics, College Physics, Calculus-Based Physics
- Biology - High School Biology, College Biology, Genetics, Microbiology, Molecular Cell Biology, Immunology, Human Physiology
- Mathematics - Pre-Algebra, HS Algebra 1, Geometry, HS Algebra 2, Elementary Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, Precalculus, College Algebra, College Calculus