Why Rapid Learning?
My grade is falling behind, what now ?
Solution: The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect different results. Instead of old way of ineffective learning, empower yourself with rapid learning - the break-through learning focusing on visual concept understanding and smart problem solving.
Tired of the dry lectures and lengthy reading?
Solution: Go rich media!
I need to ace the upcoming exam, but how?
Solution: Prepare your exam powerfully with rapid learning 3-step process (1) Master the core concepts with rich-media videos; (2) Sharpen your problem solving skill with interactive drills. (3) Super review with condensed cheat sheets.
How Can I Learn Math in 24 Hours?
01: Watch the Movies - 24 Core Concept Tutorials in Flash
02: Practice the Drills – 24 Problem-Solving Games in Flash
03: Study the Cards – 24 Exam-Prep Cheatsheets in PDF
There are total of 24 lessons (topics)
in each course, one lesson per hour with 30-minute on concept
tutorial, 20-minute on problem drill and 10-min on cheat sheet.
This will make up the 24 hours rapid e-learning in math.
Rapid Learning = Rich Media + Smart Teaching = Success