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Math Tips Weekly
Pre-Algebra in 24 Hours
Click to view Pre-Algebra details
  1. Easy introductory-level math for any math beginners or middle schoolers, to build the foundation for algebra, geometry, statistics and trigonometry.
  2. Rich-media learning for visual and rapid mastery of basic math
  3. Comprehensive coverage of one-year curriculum with 24 chapters, one hour per chapter
  4. Developed and narrated bya team of PhD educators and math teachers
  5. Step-by-step interative problem solving drills and printable super review cheat sheets
  6. MP3 audio tutorials for learning-on-the-go

Video Tour | Table of Contents


 High School Algebra 1 in 24 Hours
Click to view High School Algebra 1 Course details
  1. The first high school algebra course with 24 chapters to cover all topics in one-year Algebra 1.
  2. Foundation skills with Algebra 1 and Pre-Algebra review
  3. Designed and narrated by a team of high school educators
  4. Concept maps for related concepts and sub-concepts visually
  5. Easy core concept introduction with illustration and animations
  6. Interactive practice drills
  7. Super condensed cheat sheets for easy review of upcoming exams
  8. 24x MP3 audio tutorials for iPod or other MP3 players

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 Geometry in 24 Hours
Click to view Geometry details
  1. Rich-media series with 24 chapters for one-year high school geometry course
  2. Rapid Learning one hour at a time with 24 hours study of the entire course
  3. Concept Maps for related concepts and sub-concepts visually
  4. Developed and narrated by a team of PhD educators and HS teachers
  5. Problem-solving strategies outlined step by step with examples
  6. Practice drill with instant feedback
  7. Super condensed cheat sheets for review of each chapter

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 High School Algebra 2 in 24 Hours
Click to view High School Algebra 2 Course details
  1. The 2nd high school algebra course with 24 chapters to cover all topics in one-year Algebra 2.
  2. Algebra, functions, trigonometry, and analytic geometry
  3. Designed and narrated by a team of high school educators
  4. Concept maps for related concepts and sub-concepts visually
  5. Easy core concept introduction with illustration and animations
  6. Practice drills to refresh what you learn
  7. Super condensed cheat sheets for review of each chapter before the exam.
  8. 24x MP3 audio tutorials for learning on-th-go

Video Tour | Table of Contents


Pre-Calculus in 24 Hours

Click to view High School Algebra 2 details

  1. Comprehensive coverage with 24 chapters for standard pre-calculus
  2. Foundation skills with Algebra review, functions, trigonometry and analytic geometry
  3. Visual Concept Maps for related concepts
  4. Developed and narrated by a team of PhD educators and HS teachers
  5. Problem-solving strategies outlined step by step with examples
  6. Practice drills with interactive feedback
  7. Super condensed cheat sheets for review of each chapter
  8. MP3 audio tutorials for learning on-the-go

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 Trigonometry in 24 Hours
Click to view Trigonometry Course details
  1. 24 chapters for algebraic functions and Trigonometry
  2. Gentle introduction to trigonometric functions and graphs
  3. Rich-media tutorials with visualization and graphs
  4. Developed by a team of PhD educators and HS teachers
  5. Concept maps for related concepts at a glance
  6. Easy core concepts with illustration and animations
  7. Feedback based practice drills for problem solving
  8. Super condensed cheat sheets for easy review
  9. 24x MP3 audio tutorials for learning anytime anywhere
  10. Online access and DVD shipped to you

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Elementary Algebra in 24 Hours
Elementary Algebra
  1. Designed for college prep math prerequisite as a sequence of math 1(elementary algebra) and math 2 (intermediate algebra), in preparation for college algebra course.
  2. Starting with the very basic with complete topical coverage for elementary (or introductory) algebra curriculum.
  3. Easy concept Illustrations and step-by-step examples
  4. Problem-solving strategies outlined step by step
  5. Practice drills to refresh what you learn
  6. Super condensed cheat sheets for review of each chapter

Video Tour | Table of Contents


Intermediate Algebra in 24 Hours
  1. The 2nd college prep course to cover traditional math 2 topics.
  2. 24 chapters with easy introduction and in-depth visual understanding
  3. Problem-solving strategies outlined step by step
  4. Practice problem solving drills to refresh what you learned
  5. Super condense cheat sheets for review of all topics
  6. 24x audio lectures for iPod or any MP3 player for anywhere anytime learning
  7. Developed and narrated by veteran math teachers
  8. 24x7 online access and CD or DVD shipped

Video Tour | Table of Contents


 College Algebra in 24 Hours
Click to view Calculus course detail
  1. Complete topical coverage for  College Algebra
  2. You should complete either High School Algebra 1 & 2 or college-prep Elementary & Intermediate Algebra first before taking this college course.
  3. Easy core concept introduction with illustration and animations
  4. Problem-solving strategies outlined step by step
  5. Practice drills to refresh what you learn
  6. Super condensed cheat sheets for review of each topic before exams
  7. Rich-media tutorials with expert narration

Video Tour | Table of Contents


Introductory Statistics
  1. Complete topical coverage for High School Introductory Statistics
  2. 24-chapter rich-media tutorials narrated by the subject matter experts
  3. Concept maps for related concepts and sub-concepts visually
  4. Easy core concept introduction with illustration and animations
  5. Exam problem examples and topical summary
  6. Practice drills to refresh what you learn in the tutorial
  7. Super condensed cheat sheets for review of each chapter
  8. Online and DVD access

Video Tour | Table of Contents


College Calculus in 24 Hours
College Calculus
  1. Rich-media calculus with visual concept illustration and non-intimidating teaching for beginners
  2. Focus on core concepts and problem solving
  3. Cover precalculus review, limits, derivative, integral and applications
  4. Interactive problem drills with feedback and scoring
  5. Super review cheat sheets chapter by chapter
  6. Printable tutorials for easy reading and MP3 audio tutorials for learning-on-the-go with iPod.
  7. Developed and narrated by college professors and designed for non-math majors including business, social science, bio/pre-med students.

Video Tour | Table of Contents


High School AP Calculus AB in 24 Hours
  1. Rich-media movies and game drills to master AP Calculus AB with simplicity.
  2. 24 chapters with easy introduction and in-depth visual understanding
  3. Problem-solving strategies illustrated step by step
  4. Interactive problem drills with feedback & solutions
  5. Super condense cheat sheets for test-prep review
  6. 24x audio lectures for iPod or any MP3 player for anywhere anytime learning
  7. Developed and narrated by expert calculus teachers
  8. Designed for high school students taking either AP Calculus AB or honor calculus course

Video Tour | Table of Contents


High School AP Calculus BC in 24 Hours
Click to view AP Calculus BC details
  1. Rich-media tutorial series covering the official CollegeBoard AP Calculus BC topical requirements
  2. Visual learning with flash-based video and game-based drills
  3. Visual Concept Maps for related concepts
  4. Developed and narrated by a team of expert calculus educators and designers
  5. Problem-solving strategies outlined step by step with examples
  6. Practice drills with interactive feedback
  7. Super condensed cheat sheets for super review of each chapter
  8. MP3 audio tutorials for learning on-the-go

Video Tour | Table of Contents


Calculus I in 24 Hours
Click to view Calculus I Course details
  1. The first of the three-course calculus sequence designed for math, science and engineering majors
  2. Rich-media tutorials with simplicity and clarity
  3. Step by step problem solving illustration
  4. Developed and narrated by a team of college calculus professors and eLearning experts and designers
  5. Feedback based practice drills for problem solving
  6. Super condensed cheat sheets for easy review
  7. 24x MP3 audio tutorials for learning anytime anywhere
  8. Anywhere anytime Online access and DVD

Video Tour | Table of Contents


Calculus II in 24 Hours
Click to view Calculus II details
  1. The 2nd course of the 3-course calculus sequence, designed for math, science and engineering majors
  2. Rich-media tutorials with visual concept introduction and step by step problem solving illustration
  3. Calculus of transcendental functions, integration techniques, differential equations, parametric curves and polar coordinates, infinite sequences and series
  4. Problem-solving strategies outlined step by step with examples
  5. Practice drill with instant feedback and scoring
  6. Super condensed cheat sheets for review of each chapter
  7. Developed and narrated by a team of veteran college professors and eLearning experts
  8. Online and DVD access

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Calculus III in 24 Hours
Click to view Calculus III Course details
  1. The 3rd course of the 3-course calculus sequence, designed for math, science and engineering majors
  2. Vectors, curves and surfaces in space, vector-valued functions, partial derivatives, and multiple integrals
  3. 24x rich media tutorials with visual illustration of concepts and problem solving step-by-step
  4. 24x interactive problem drills with feedback and scoring system
  5. 24x super review cheatsheets chapter by chapter
  6. 24x printable tutorials and 24x MP3 audio tutorials for learning-on-the-go
  7. 24x7 online access & DVD with life-time usage
  8. Developed and narrated by a team of calculus professors and eLearning experts

Video Tour | Table of Contents


College Statistics in 24 Hours
Click to view College Statistics details
  1. This college level course is designed for students of any major who are required to take general statistics.
  2. Rich-media tutorials with visual concept introduction and step by step problem solving illustration
  3. Basic math, data analysis, data collection, pattern analysis, decision making and statistical skills.
  4. Problem-solving strategies outlined step by step with examples
  5. Practice drill with instant feedback and scoring
  6. Super condensed cheat sheets for review of each chapter
  7. Developed and narrated by a team of veteran college professors and eLearning experts
  8. Online and DVD with movies, drills, cheatsheets, eBooks and AudioBooks

Video Tour | Table of Contents


High School AP Statistics in 24 Hours
Click to view AP Statistics Course details
  1. This course is designed for advanced placement to meet the content requirements by College Board.
  2. AP Statistics foundation, exploring data, sampling and experiments, statistical estimation and inference and critical skills.
  3. 24x rich media tutorials with visual illustration of concepts and problem solving step-by-step
  4. 24x interactive problem drills with feedback and scoring system
  5. 24x super review cheatsheets chapter by chapter
  6. 24x printable tutorials and 24x MP3 audio tutorials for learning-on-the-go
  7. 24x7 online access & DVD with life-time usage
  8. Developed and narrated by a team of statistics educators and eLearning experts

Video Tour | Table of Contents


Why Rapid Learning?

My grade is falling behind, what now ?
Solution: The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect different results. Instead of old way of ineffective learning, empower yourself with rapid learning - the break-through learning focusing on visual concept understanding and smart problem solving.

Tired of the dry lectures and lengthy reading?
Solution: Go rich media!

I need to ace the upcoming exam, but how?
Solution: Prepare your exam powerfully with rapid learning 3-step process (1) Master the core concepts with rich-media videos; (2) Sharpen your problem solving skill with interactive drills. (3) Super review with condensed cheat sheets.

How Can I Learn Math in 24 Hours?

01: Watch the Movies - 24 Core Concept Tutorials in Flash
02: Practice the Drills – 24 Problem-Solving Games in Flash
03: Study the Cards – 24 Exam-Prep Cheatsheets in PDF

There are total of 24 lessons (topics) in each course, one lesson per hour with 30-minute on concept tutorial, 20-minute on problem drill and 10-min on cheat sheet. This will make up the 24 hours rapid e-learning in math.

Rapid Learning = Rich Media + Smart Teaching = Success


Math Tips Weekly
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