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Home »  Biology

Biology Tips Weekly
 College Biology in 24 Hours
College Biology
  1. Complete topical coverage for biology course at college level
  2. Developed by a team of PhD biologists and educators
  3. Designed for rapid learning in 24 hours with 24 chapters
  4. Concept Maps for related concepts and sub-concepts
  5. Easy core concept introduction with illustration and animations
  6. Exam problem examples and topical summary
  7. Practice drill to refresh what you learn in the tutorials
  8. Super condense cheat sheets for review of each topic before the exams

Video Tour | Table of Contents

 High School Biology in 24 Hours
High School Biology
  1. Comprehensive coverage for full-year high school biology course
  2. Complimentary to all major high school textbooks
  3. Developed by a team of PhD biologists and HS educators
  4. Designed for rapid learning in 24 hours with 24 chapters
  5. Concept Maps for related concepts and sub-concepts
  6. Easy core concept introduction with illustration and animations
  7. Practice drill to refresh what you learn in the tutorials
  8. At-a-glance cheat sheets for each chapter for fast review

Video Tour | Table of Contents

 Microbiology in 24 Hours
  1. Complete topical coverage for microbiology course including microbiology basis, microorganisms and medical microbiology
  2. Developed by a team of PhD biologists, educators and e-learning experts
  3. Designed for rapid learning hour by hour with 24 chapters on microbiology
  4. Concept Maps for related concepts and sub-concepts
  5. Easy core concept introduction with illustration and animations
  6. Flash game practice drills to refresh what you learn in the tutorials interactively
  7. Super condense cheat sheets (x24) for review of each chapter before the exams

Video Tour | Table of Contents

 Genetics in 24 Hours
  1. Full coverage for genetics course in 24 chapters
  2. Developed by a team of PhD, educators and e-learning experts
  3. Rich-media tutorials narrated by the experts
  4. Concept Maps for related concepts and sub-concepts
  5. Easy core concept introduction with illustration and animations
  6. Flash game practice drills to refresh what you learn in the tutorials interactively
  7. Super condense cheat sheets (x24) for review or test-prep
  8. MP3 for iPod and iPhone/iPad

Video Tour | Table of Contents

 Essential Anatomy & Physiology (1-Semester)
Anatomy & Physiology
  1. Introductory 1-semester A&P course
  2. Developed by our A&P team of PhD, educators and e-learning experts
  3. Designed for rapid learning hour by hour with 24 chapters to cover the entire course
  4. Concept Maps for related concepts and sub-concepts
  5. Easy core concept introduction with illustration and animations
  6. Flash game practice drills to refresh what you learn in the tutorials interactively
  7. Super condense cheat sheets (x24) for review of each chapter before the exams
  8. Online and DVD; Certification available; Adoptable for institutions

Video Tour | Table of Contents

 Comprehensive Anatomy & Physiology (2-Semester)
  1. Comprehensive 2-semester A&P course
  2. Developed by our A&P team of PhD, educators and e-learning experts
  3. Designed for rapid learning hour by hour with 24 chapters to cover the entire course
  4. Concept Maps for related concepts and sub-concepts
  5. Easy core concept introduction with illustration and animations
  6. Flash game practice drills to refresh what you learn in the tutorials interactively
  7. Super condense cheat sheets (x24) for review of each chapter before the exams
  8. Online and DVD; Certification available; Adoptable for institutions

Video Tour | Table of Contents

 Molecular Cell Biology in 24 Hours
Molecular Cell Biology
  1. Rich media course with the complete topical coverage for molecular biology and cell biology.
  2. Developed & narrated by a team of PhD biologists, educators and e-learning experts.
  3. Designed for rapid learning hour by hour with 24 chapters to cover the entire course
  4. Concept Maps for related concepts and sub-concepts
  5. Easy core concept introduction with illustration and animations
  6. Flash game practice drills to refresh what you learn in the tutorials interactively
  7. Super condense cheat sheets (x24) for review of each chapter before the exams

Video Tour | Table of Contents

 Immunology in 24 Hours
  1. Complete topical coverage for the immunology course and for any textbook
  2. Developed by a team of PhD scientists, educators and e-learning experts
  3. Designed for rapid learning hour by hour with 24 chapters to cover the entire course
  4. Concept Maps for related concepts and sub-concepts
  5. Easy core concept introduction with illustration and animations.
  6. Flash game practice drills to refresh what you learn in the tutorials interactively
  7. Super condense cheat sheets (x24) for review of each chapter before the exams
  8. Printable eBooks & AudioBook

Video Tour | Table of Contents

 Evolution in 24 Hours
Evolution and Ecology
  1. Evolution is the 1st course of this combo series of evolutiona and ecology
  2. Developed & narrated by a team of PhD biologists, educators and e-learning experts
  3. Designed for rapid learning hour by hour with 12 chapters to cover the entire evolution course content
  4. Concept Maps for related concepts and sub-concepts
  5. Easy core concept introduction with illustration and animations
  6. Flash game practice drills to refresh what you learn in the tutorials interactively
  7. Super condense cheat sheets for review of each chapter before the exams

Video Tour | Table of Contents

 Ecology in 24 Hours
Evolution and Ecology
  1. Ecology is the 2nd course of this combo series of evolution and ecology
  2. Developed by a team of PhD scientists, educators and e-learning experts
  3. Designed for rapid learning hour by hour with 12 chapters to cover the entire course
  4. Concept Maps for related concepts and sub-concepts
  5. Easy core concept introduction with illustration and animations
  6. Flash game practice drills to refresh what you learn in the tutorials interactively
  7. Super condense cheat sheets for review of each chapter before the exams

Video Tour | Table of Contents

 Human Physiology in 24 Hours
Human Physiology Visually in 24 Hours
  1. In-depth coverage of human physiology in 24 chapters, for allied health professionals, nursing & pre-med, and board review
  2. Developed & narrated by a team of PhD/MD's, professors and e-learning experts
  3. Fits traditional homeostasis-based curricula and any mainstream texts
  4. Comprehensive introduction to homeostatasis, integration and control at cellular and organ levels
  5. Graphical anatomy introduction on each system and its functions presented step by step with animation
  6. Visually illustrated and highly organized for deep understanding and long-time memory
  7. Designed for rapid learning hour by hour in 24 hours, the rich-media way
  8. Concept map, visual definition, Q&A and summary on each tutorial
  9. Feedback-based practice drills with interaction and complete solutions
  10. Super condense cheat sheets for chapter review of exam prep.
  11. Online and DVD; Certification available; Adoptable for institutions

Video Tour | Table of Contents

 Human Anatomy in 24 Hours
Human Anatomy Visually in 24 Hours
  1. Comprehensive visual mastery of human anatomy in 24 chapters organized to fit the traditional system-based curricula
  2. Developed by a team of PhD/MD's, professors and e-learning experts
  3. Extensive anatomical illustrations and stepwise visual elements with pictorial animation and expert narration
  4. Concept maps, definitions, Q&A, clinical notes and summary
  5. Detailed coverage on all 11 organ systems with basic physiology, clinical anatomy, development and aging of each system
  6. Challenge questions contextually and interactive drills on concepts and clinical cases with feedback and solutions
  7. Super condensed cheat sheets for review of each chapter before the exams
  8. 24x printable eBooks and 24x MP3 AudioBooks for learning-on-the-go with MP3 players, iPAD/iPhone/iPod
  9. Designed for nursing, medical and allied health students, board review and any professionals required anatomical knowledge
  10. Web access and CD/DVD; Certification available; Ready for institutional adoption

Video Tour | Table of Contents

 Pharmacology in 24 Hours
Pharmacology Visually in 24 Hours
  1. 24-chapters with rich-media tutorials one hour at a time, to cover the basic principles and applications of pharmacology with review of molecular, celluar and organ physiology
  2. Developed & narrated by a team of PhD biologists, educators and e-learning experts
  3. Designed for rapid learning by students with basic chemistry and biology knowledge
  4. Interactive problem drills with instant feedback and scoring
  5. Super review cheat sheets for each chapter as portable learning tools
  6. 24 Printable eBooks on each tutorial for offline reading
  7. 24 MP3 AudioBooks for learning on-the-go with iPod/iPhone/iPad or SmartPhone

Video Tour | Table of Contents

 Toxicology in 24 Hours
Toxicology Visually in 24 Hours
  1. The comprehensive rich-media series to cover the basic principles and applications of toxicology, along with cellular, molecular and organ-directed toxicology
  2. Developed by a team of PhD faculty, educators and e-learning experts
  3. Designed for rapid learning hour by hour with 12 chapters to cover the entire course
  4. Feedback-based problem drills for practice
  5. Ready-to-print chapter review cheat sheets
  6. Printable tutorials for easy and quick reading
  7. MP3 audio lectures for mobile learning
  8. CD/DVD and online access

Video Tour | Table of Contents

 AP Biology in 24 Hours
AP Biology Visually in 24 Hours
  1. Topic by topic coverage of College Board's AP Biology content requirements
  2. Developed & narrated by a team of teachers, professors and e-learning experts
  3. Designed for rapid learning hour by hour in 24 hours visually to prepare for the AP exam
  4. Concept map to connect the related concepts and summary of key concepts in the chapter
  5. Easy core concept introduction with illustration and animations
  6. Game-based practice drills to review what you learn in the tutorials interactively
  7. Super condense cheat sheets for review of each chapter before the exams
  8. Online, DVD and iPod/iPhone/iPad

Video Tour | Table of Contents

 Neuroscience in 24 Hours
Neuroscience Visually in 24 Hours
  1. Comprehensive visual learning of neuroscience topics in 24 chapters
  2. Developed by a team of professors and e-learning experts
  3. Designed for rapid learning hour by hour in 24 hours visually
  4. Concept Maps for related concepts and sub-concepts
  5. Easy core concept introduction with illustration and animations
  6. Flash game practice drills to refresh what you learn in the tutorials interactively
  7. Super condense cheat sheets for review of each chapter before the exams
  8. 24x Printable eBooks and 24x MP3 AudioBooks
  9. Online, DVD and iPod/iPhone/iPad

Video Tour | Table of Contents

Why Rapid Learning courses?
Instead of the traditional classroom lectures and textbook reading, Rapid Learning is rich-media plus smart teaching, enabling you to learn visually at anytime anywhere.

Tired of dry lectures and lengthy reading?
If the traditional way of learning does not work for you, try the new way of learning - go rich media. Biological science is a visual science, best learned visually using rich-media narrated by the subject experts.

Need to prepare the upcoming exam?
Instead of spending days to read the lecture notes and text, just study hours by watching the videos, doing the problem drills and super review the exam cheat sheets, fast and easy.

01: Watch the Movies - 24 Rich-Media Tutorials
02: Practice the Drills – 24 Problem-Solving Drills
03: Study the Cards – 24 Exam-Prep Cheatsheets

The Rapid Learning Series – The Easy and Rapid Way to Ace Your Next Biology Exam!

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Biology Tips Weekly
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