Problem Solving in Math
Topic Review on "Title": |
5 step problem solving strategy:
Step 1: Identify what’s being given
Step 2: Clarify what’s being asked.
If necessary, rephrase the question
Step 3: Select a strategy
Trial & error, search, deductive reasoning, knowledge-based, working backwards
Step 4: Solve using the strategy
Step 5: Review the answer
KUDOS method for solving work problems:
- K = Known
- U = Unknown
- D = Definition
- O = Output
- S = Substantiation
Mathematics exam preparation tips:
Stay ahead of the game
Make a cheat-sheet
Know the format of the test and information that’s fair game
Make a mock exam
Attend the review session
Get help early
Exam taking tips:
Arrive early and prepared
Listen & Read instructions carefully
Memory dump first
Skim the test and form a plan
Answer questions sequentially
Apply the guessing rule
Multiple-choice tips:
Scan all the choices
Avoid word confusion
Beware of absolutes
Free-Response tips:
Show partial work
Don’t forget units
Don’t be fooled by blank space
Rapid Study Kit for "Title": |
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"Title" Tutorial Summary : |
Problem solving in mathematics is important to fully understand due to the frequency of them in algebra and higher mathematics courses. Strategies to solve word problems are introduced to aid in the problem solving learning process.
A common difficulty with mathematics courses is the dreaded word problem. The KUDOS method gives the student a place to start and a step by step method to begin the solution. KUDOS stands for known, unknown, definition, output, and substantiation. In addition to problem solving, this tutorial give hints to succeed on tests. Multiple choice, free response, and essay tips are all covered.
Tutorial Features: |
Specific Tutorial Features:
• Step by step examples to help apply problem solving techniques.
• Graphic organizers to help convey the problem solving tips discussed.
Series Features:
• Concept map showing inter-connections of new concepts in this tutorial and those previously introduced.
• Definition slides introduce terms as they are needed.
• Visual representation of concepts
• Animated examples—worked out step by step
• A concise summary is given at the conclusion of the tutorial.
"Title" Topic List: |
When to follow problem-solving techniques A general problem-solving technique How to solve word problems How to prepare for an exam Tips for taking exams
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