Prerequisite Math Review
Topic Review on "Title": |

Polynomial form

Quadratic Equation

Distance Formula

Midpoint Formula


Slope-Intercept Form y = mx + b
Binomial Form

Factorial n! = n(n-1)!
Complex number a+bi (a is real and b is imaginary part)
Rapid Study Kit for "Title": |
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"Title" Tutorial Summary : |
Prerequisite math is covered in this tutorial. This review is a bridging course for students who have neglected or forgotten their algebra. It will explain the principles of algebra and includes practice exercises with answers.
This tutorial is designed to make the topic understandable and discussing natural numbers; integers; equations; factoring; algebraic fractions; radicals and exponents; quadratics; points, lines, and planes; and other topics.
Tutorial Features: |
Specific Tutorial Features:
- Step by step mathematical examples showing all details: real numbers, geometry formulas, exponents, polynomials, factoring polynomials, rational expression, square roots, rational exponents, equations and other important formulas.
Series Features:
- Concept map showing inter-connections of new concepts in this tutorial and those previously introduced.
- Definition slides introduce terms as they are needed.
- Visual representation of concepts
- Animated examples—worked out step by step
- A concise summary is given at the conclusion of the tutorial.
"Title" Topic List: |
- Real numbers
- Geometry formulas
- Exponents
- Polynomials
- Factoring polynomials
- Rational expression
- Square roots
- Rational exponents
- Linear equation
- Quadratic equations
- Solving inequalities
- Graphs and equations
- Distance formula
- Midpoint formula
- Slope-intercept form
- Lines
- Functions
- Complex numbers
- Sequences, summation, sets, permutation and combinations
See all 24 lessons in Introductory Statistics, including concept tutorials, problem drills and cheat sheets:
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